A bit about me
I'm ​Helle Johansen-Baker, a UK based artist, originally from Denmark and I’ve lived in Leigh on Sea by the Thames Estuary since 2010.
Creativity has always been a constant in my life and the thing pulling me. With a career background in graphic design, portrait/wedding photographer, designing and making silk bandanas for dogs and pet photographer, I took a deep dive into the world of art in 2018 and have never looked back.
Mostly self-taught as an artist, each stage of my journey has been a valuable, creative building block that has led to developing my unique approach in expressing my inner sensitivities. It has taught me the importance of value, form, colour and composition, further helped by art teacher Nicholas Wilton and his invaluable, online course with the Art2Life Creative Visionary Programme, which I attended in 2023 and 2024.
My art practice constantly teaches me about life and about myself, which is why I paint. It brings me alive. I hope to convey something about myself, who I am and what inspires me and that you, the observer, will find something in this body of work that touches and stimulates some deep-seeded memory or longing.
Artist statement
I am a process-based artist and the “not knowing” of the creative process inspires me. The vibrant exploration of colour and form is the foundation for my work and mark-making is very important to me, so I scrape back the paint to reveal the layers beneath and gouge into the surfaces with various tools.
I paint mostly abstract with acrylics, layered with mixed media and collage, creating dynamic compositions that celebrate the interplay of hues and shapes. Most of my work is created on wood panels, and larger work is painted on canvas.
Driven by a fascination with how colours interact, I seek to evoke emotion and movement through subtle layering techniques that add depth and texture to each piece. I hope my work invites viewers to experience the energy and vibrancy of colour in a fresh and engaging way.

In my studio

Making the plywood panels before
painting can begin.